Welcome on Mischa Kuball's new website. It is under constuction, so may be incomplete in some parts.


Sound performance by Sonae and Richard Ojijo at Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden

Saturday, 2024/2/10, 6-9 pm | Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden, Wuppertal /DE

As an extension to Mischa Kuball's light installation light_poesis in the Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden, the performance light_sound_poesis will take place in the exhibition rooms on February 10. In this three-hour performance, the two sound artists Sonae and Richard Ojijo will process previously recorded sounds from the sculpture park and transform them into a live electronic set that will resound through the halls used by Mischa Kuball and into the outdoor space of the park. On the occasion of the project, the sculpture park will remain open until 9:30 pm on this day. Admission to the event is …


missing link_ in Düsseldorf: WebApp available in six languages

2023/11/09 – 2024/03/15 | Kasernenstraße 67, Düsseldorf/DE

The WebApp accompanying the project is now available via smartphone and desktop in six languages: German, English, Hebrew, French, Russian and Arabic. With missing link_, Mischa Kuball has created a temporary light installation on Kasernenstraße that focuses on the commemoration of the city of Düsseldorf's central synagogue, which was destroyed under National Socialism. The work is intended to give the history of the site a new visibility and offers a resonating space for commemoration and coming together. The project is a cooperation with the Jewish Community of Düsseldorf, the city and the …


Mischa Kuball on immersive art

WDR, tagesthemen on 2024/3/31

In more and more exhibitions, the paintings of well-known artists such as Monet, Dalí or Kahlo are projected onto huge surfaces on the wall and floor using projectors and accompanied by music so that viewers can immerse themselves in the works. In the article "Immersive exhibitions - art or spectacle?", WDR asks to what extent such exhibitions can still be described as art. As a conceptual artist who creates projections that can be experienced, such as his installation five planets currently on show at the Museum Folkwang in Essen, Mischa Kuball also has a clear opinion on the fascination of …


Galerie Priska Pasquer shows new group exhibition Liminal

2024/2/3 – 2024/4/31 I Priska Pasquer Gallery, Cologne /DE

As the beginning of a new exhibition series, Liminal refers to the transitional or intermediate stages of a process, space or state. Over the course of 2024, the gallery aims to make these transitions tangible as a tension between the real external space and the aesthetic representational space of the artwork. In this first exhibition, the artists address the transition from the analog to the digital world and the immersion in social media, which often only seem to depict reality. Mischa Kuball's works New York Times_June 2020 (2022), dunkle Kammer/dark chamber inverted (after Roland …



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